Books, Charts & Maps World & Monographs (Birds)
Bird Monographs
Albatrosses, Petrels and Shearwaters of the World
Paul Scofield & Derek Onley
224 pages. More details…
Avian Architecture: How Birds Design, Engineer, and Build (Revised and Expanded Edition)
Peter Goodfellow Consultant Editor: Tony D Williams
176 pages. More details…
Bird Senses: How and What Birds See, Hear, Smell, Taste and Feel
Graham R Martin
300 pages. More details…
Bird Talk: An Exploration of Avian Communication
Barbara Ballentine & Jeremy Hyman. Foreword by Mike Webster.
192 pages. More details…
The Bird Way: A New Look at How Birds Talk, Work, Play, Parent, and Think
Jennifer Ackerman
368 pages. More details…
Birds and Climate Change: Impacts and Conservation Response
James W Pearce-Higgins & Rhys E. Green
477 pages. More details…
Birds: The Art of Ornithology (Boxed Set containing 36 Prints)
Jonathan Elphick
224 pages. More details…
The Cuckoo: The Uninvited Guest
Oldrich Mikulica,Tomás Grim, Karl Schulze-Hagen & Bård G Stokke. Foreword by Nick Davies
160 pages. More details…
Cuckoos of the World
Johannes Erritzoe, Clive F Mann, Frederik Brammer & Richard A Fuller
480 pages. More details…
Drawn From Paradise: The Discovery, Art and Natural History of the Birds of Paradise
David Attenborough & Errol Fuller
256 pages. More details…
Drawn From Paradise: The Discovery, Art and Natural History of the Birds of Paradise
David Attenborough & Errol Fuller
256 pages. More details…
Finches and Sparrows
Peter Clement
Helm ID Guide covering all the world's species. 73 colour plates. 512 pages. More details…
Flight Identification of Raptors of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East
Dick Forsman
608 pages. More details…
Who Killed the Great Auk?
Jeremy Gaskell
The first modern retelling of the extinction of the Great Auk. Attractively illustrated, includes maps, photos and line drawings. 192 pages. More details…
Grouse of the World
Roald Popatov & Richard Sale
Grouse are a source of fascination for people. 408 pages. More details…
Gulls of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East: An Identification Guide
Peter Adriaens, Mars Muusse, Philippe J Dubois & Frédéric Jiguet
320 pages. More details…
Bird Families of the World
David W Winkler, Shawn M Billerman & Irby J Lovette
600 pages. More details…
The Herons
James A Kushlan, James A Hancock
OUP Bird Families of the World series. A definitive account of 60 species of heron, egret and bittern. 12 colour plates by David Thelwell. Numerous colour photos. 400 pages. More details…
How Birds Live Together: Colonies and Communities in the Avian World
Marianne Taylor
224 pages. More details…
An Inspiration of Waders: Twinkling Gems Over a Falling Tide
Rick and Elis Simpson
160 pages. More details…
The Largest Avian Radiation: The Evolution of Perching Birds, or the Order Passeriformes
Edited by Jon Fjeldså, Les Christidis & Per GP Ericson
More details…Larks of the World
Paul Donald & Per Alström, Illustrated by Faansie Peacock
Available from the end of December 2027. 608 pages. More details…
The Last of Its Kind: The Search for the Great Auk and the Discovery of Extinction
Gísli Pálsson
328 pages. More details…
The Magpies: The Ecology and Behaviour of Black-billed and Yellow-billed Magpies
Tim Birkhead
270 pages. More details…
Birds of the Mesozoic: An Illustrated Field Guide
Juan Benito Illustrated by Roc Olivé
272 pages. More details…
Montagu's Harrier
Roger Clarke
Arlequin Press. Surely no birder can resist this wonderful raptor. Colour plates by Bruce Pearson. 224 pages. More details…
Munias and Mannikins
Robin Restall
Pica Press Guide. The standard reference work, covering all the world's species. 80 colour plates. 264 pages. More details…
Naturalized Parrots of the World: Distribution, Ecology, and Impacts of the World's Most Colorful Colonizers
Stephen Pruett-Jones
304 pages. More details…
Neotropical Birds of Prey: Biology and Ecology of a Forest Raptor Community
Edited By: David F Whitacre & J Peter Jenny
436 pages. More details…
Nests, Eggs, and Incubation: New Ideas About Avian Reproduction
D C Deeming & S James "Jim" Reynolds
304 pages. More details…
New World Blackbirds - The Icterids
Alvaro Jaramillo, Peter Burke
Pica Press Guide covering 103 species. 39 colour plates. 432 pages. More details…
Nigel Cleere
Pica Press Guide to Nightjars and related Nightbirds that covers all the world's species. 36 superb colour plates. 317 pages. More details…
Nightjars and their Allies
D T Holyoak
OUP Bird Families of the World series. Covers all 188 species. 23 colour plates. 794 pages. More details…
Ornithology: Foundation, Analysis, and Application
Michael L Morrison, Amanda D Rodewald, Gary Voelker, Melanie R Colón and Jonathan F Prather
1016 pages. More details…
Owls of the World: A Photographic Guide
Heimo Mikkola
Revised second edition. 750 superb colour photos. 512 pages. More details…
A Parliament of Owls
Mike Unwin & David Tipling
A lavish celebration of these compelling birds, covering fifty of the most striking and interesting owl species from around the world. 288 pages. More details…
Undiscovered Owls
Magnus Robb & The Sound Approach
New sound guide to the owls of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. 308 pages. More details…
The Oystercatcher
John D Goss-Custard
This book reviews what is known about the behaviour and population ecology of this popular shorebird, from a scientific conservation perspective. 452 pages. More details…
The Painted Stork: Exploring Ecology and Conservation in India
Abdul Jamil Urfi
208 pages. More details…
Tony Juniper, Mike Parr
Pica Press Guide. 88 superb plates illustrate every species and most identifiable subspecies. 584 pages. More details…
Parrots of the World: Up Close with the World's Cleverest Birds
Steve Brookes
160 pages. More details…
Vanished and Vanishing Parrots: Profiling Extinct and Endangered Species
Joseph M Forshaw. Illustrators: Frank Knight & Noel FR Snyder
323 pages. More details…
Lloyd Davies
Poyser Monograph. Covers aspects of penguin evolution, biology, ecology and sociobiology, as well as conservation issues. 300 pages. More details…
Penguins: The Ultimate Guide Second Edition
Tui de Roy, Mark Jones & Julie Cornthwaite
240 pages. More details…
Peregrine Falcon
Derek Ratcliffe
2nd edition reprint of this classic raptor study. 488 pages. More details…
Pipits and Wagtails of Europe, Asia and North America
Per Alström & Krister Mild
496 pages. More details…
Puffins: Life on the Atlantic Edge
Kevin Morgans. Foreword by Chris Packham.
192 pages. More details…
Barry Taylor & Ber van Perlo
Pica Press Guide to the rails, crakes, gallinules and coots of the World. 600 pages. More details…
Ratites and Tinamous
Stephen Davies
OUP Bird Families of the World series. The evolution, biology and natural history of the group of flightless birds that includes ostriches, emus, cassowaries and kiwis - the ratites and their relatives, the tinamous. 12 colour plates. 336 pages. More details…
Red Kite's Year
Ian Carter, Illustrated by Dan Powell, Foreword by Mark Avery
160 pages. More details…
The Ring Ouzel: A View from the North York Moors
Vic Fairbrother & Ken Hutchinson
288 pages. More details…
Robins and Chats
Peter Clement and Chris Rose
A long-awaited guide to this popular group of birds. 672 pages. More details…
Seabirds: The New Identification Guide
Peter Harrison, Martin Perrow & Hans Larsson
600 pages. More details…
Seabirds: A Natural History
Tony Gaston
Poyser monograph that takes an in-depth look at the lives of the world's true seabirds - the penguins, tubenoses, pelecanids, gulls, terns, skuas and auks. 16 pages of colour photos. 222 pages. More details…
Shorebirds in Action: An Introduction to Waders and Their Behaviour
Richard Chandler
Shorebirds in Action is in two parts firstly basic behavioural information, then a photographic section that explains the specific behaviour being illustrated for that particular shorebird at the time the photo was taken. 256 pages. More details…
Shrikes and Bush-Shrikes
Tony Harris & Kim Franklin
Helm ID Guide covering all true shrikes, bush-shrikes, helmet-shrikes, wood-shrikes, flycatcher-shrikes, philentomas, batises and wattle-eyes. 41 colour plates, 114+ colour maps. 392 pages. More details…
Skuas and Jaegers
Klaus Malling Olsen
Pica Press Identification Guide. 12 colour plates and 156 photos. 192 pages. More details…
The Skylark
Paul Donald
Poyser Monograph on one of Britain's most popular and inspirational birds. 8 page colour section includes photos and 2 plates illustrating all Alauda species and all the principal races of Skylark. 264 pages. More details…
Starlings and Mynas
Chris Feare & Adrian Craig
Helm Identification Guide to all 114 species. 32 colour plates. 272 pages. More details…
Ewan Urquhart & Adam Bowley
Helm Identification Guide to the genus Saxicola, comprising, amongst others, the Stonechat and the Whinchat. 12 colour plates and over 100 colour photos. 320 pages. More details…
Sunbirds - A Guide to the Sunbirds, Flowerpeckers, Spiderhunters and Sugarbirds of the World
Robert Cheke, Clive Mann & Richard Allen
Helm Identification Guide. 48 colour plates by Richard Allen accurately portray all major plumage variations. 384 pages. More details…
Sunbirds of the World: Sunbirds, Flowerpeckers, Spiderhunters & Sugarbirds
Robert A Cheke, Clive F Mann Illustrated by Richard Allen
Available from 12 June 2025. 480 pages. More details…
Swifts - A Guide to the Swifts and Treeswifts of the World
Phil Chantler
Pica Press Guide. 24 colour plates. This second edition includes significant new text material, plus revisions to the artwork and maps. 272 pages. More details…
Tanagers, Cardinals & Finches of the United States and Canada
David Beadle, JD Rising
196 pages. More details…
Peter Clement & Ren Hathway
Helm Identification Guide covering 162 species of true thrush. 60 colour plates. 464 pages. More details…
What is a Bird? An Exploration of Anatomy, Physiology, Behavior, and Ecology
Tony Williams
368 pages. More details…
Woodpeckers of the World
Gerard Gorman
It has lived up to expectations. What a stunning book! 448 pages. More details…
A World on the Wing: The Global Odyssey of Migratory Birds
Scott Weidensaul
400 pages. More details…
The Wryneck: Biology, Behaviour, Conservation and Symbolism of Jynx torquilla
Gerard Gorman
216 pages. More details…
World Checklists & Handbooks (Birds)
Handbook of the Birds of the World: Special Volume: New Species and Global Index
Edited By: Josep Del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott and David Christie
812 pages. More details…
HBW and Birdlife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World SET
Volume 1
Illustrations and distribution maps for every non-passerine bird species in the world. 800 pages. More details…
Volume 2
440 colour plates with 12100 colour illustrations. Colour distribution maps for every passerine bird species in the world. 1012 pages. More details…
HBW and Birdlife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of The World, Volume 1
Josep Del Hoyo, Nigel J Collar, David A Christie, Andrew Elliott & Lincoln D C Fishpool
Illustrations and distribution maps for every non-passerine bird species in the world. 800 pages. More details…
HBW and Birdlife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World, Volume 2
Josep Del Hoyo, Nigel J Collar, David A Christie, Andrew Elliott, Lincoln D C Fishpool, Peter Boesman & Guy M Kirwan
440 colour plates with 12100 colour illustrations. Colour distribution maps for every passerine bird species in the world. 1012 pages. More details…
Handbook of Birds of the World Volume 12: Picathartes to Tits and Chickadees
More details…Handbook of Birds of the World Volume 6: Mousebirds to hornbills
600 pages. More details…
Howard and Moore Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World: Edition 4: Volume 2: Passerines
Edited by E C Dickinson & J V Remsen Jr
760 pages. More details…
Howard and Moore Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World: Edition 4: Volume 1: Non- passerines:
Edited by E C Dickinson & J V Remsen Jr
576 pages. More details…
The World's Rarest Birds
Erik Hirschfeld, Andy Swash & Rob Still
This landmark publication features stunning photos of 500 species. 352 pages. More details…
General Interest
Audubon to Xantus
B & R Mearns
Over 100 people are commemorated in the English and Latin names of North American birds. They make a fascinating assembly of travellers, explorers, collectors, taxonomists, wives, daughters and mentors. 588 pages. More details…
Handbook of Bird Biology (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
John W Fitzpatrick & Irby J. Lovette
716 pages. More details…
Bird Sense: What it's like to be a bird
Tim Birkhead
What's it like to fly like a swift at over one hundred kilometers an hour? 265 pages. More details…
Birds & People
Mark Cocker, photographs by David Tipling
As important for its visual riches as it is for its awe-inspiring content. 704 pages. More details…
Birds at Rest The Behavior and Ecology of Avian Sleep
Roger F Pasquier
Available from 8 April 2025. 360 pages. More details…
Birds Britannica: Edition 2
Mark Cocker & Richard Mabey. Introduction by Helen Macdonald.
518 pages. More details…
Facing Extinction Edition 2
Paul Donald, Nigel Collar, Stuart Marsden & Debbie Pain
The world's rarest birds and the race to save them. 312 pages. More details…
Lady of the Loch: The incredible story of Britain's oldest Osprey
Helen Armitage
192 pages. More details…
The Migration Ecology of Birds
Ian Newton
Presents an up-to-date, detailed and thorough review of the most fascinating ecological findings on bird migration, and benefits from numerous tables, diagrams and maps. An absorbing study. 984 pages. More details…
Migration Hotspots: The World's Best Bird Migration Sites
Tim Harris
Covers 30 of the planet's most dramatic bird migration hotspots. 240 pages. More details…
Naturalised Birds of the World
Christopher Lever
Each successfully introduced or naturalised species is discussed in turn, describing how, why, when and where its introduction took place, how it became established, and the ecological and economic impacts of its presence. 304 pages. More details…
Nature's Temples; A Natural History of Old-Growth Forests
Joan Maloof
The Ultimate Wish-List for Birders Everywhere. 216 pages. More details…
Rare Birds Yearbook - 2009
Erik Hirschfeld / Birdlife International
This edition has over 80% new material. £4 goes directly to Birdlife International for every book sold. 274 pages. More details…
Secret Life of Birds: Who they are and what they do
Colin Tudge
A lyrical account of the birds of the world and the ways they live. 512 pages. More details…
Speciation and Biogeography of Birds
Ian Newton
Provides an up-to-date synthesis of current knowledge on species formation, and the factors influencing current distribution patterns. 688 pages. More details…
Ten Million Aliens
Simon Barnes
A Journey Through the Entire Animal Kingdom. 480 pages. More details…
Weather and Bird Behaviour
Norman Elkins
This classic Poyser title, now in its third edition, discusses in depth the various ways in which weather conditions influence bird behaviour. 276 pages. More details…
Why don't woodpeckers get headaches?
Mike O'Connor
An interesting and humorous insight into the secrets of birds. 212 pages. More details…
Winged Sentinels: Birds and Climate Change
Janice Wormworth & Cagan H Sekercioglu
262 pages. More details…
Where to Watch Birds World Cities
Paul Milne
A new site guide to urban areas and prime sites within easy reach of 60 major cities. Ideal for the globe-trotter! 480 pages. More details…
World's Best Birdsongs: The Songs and Calls of 70 Iconic Species
Hannu Jännes
The Songs and Calls of 70 Iconic Species. 160 pages. More details…
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