Blue Tit by Julian Bhalerao
Birding in Eastern Europe

Birding in Eastern Europe

Gerard Gorman

(2006) Covers the best birding sites in eleven eastern European countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

Gerard Gorman writes from personal experience, having spent over 3,000 birding days in the field in these countries. Over 230 sites are described, each with a context mini-map. Eleven country context maps are provided as well as 33 detailed site maps and 22 fine illustrations. Accompanying each site are useful Author's Tips - offering insight and advice from a birder and professional tour leader of many years experience.

The book is printed in two tone colour (black and yellow) and these colours are used extensively throughout the book. The top of each page and the trimmings are conveniently colour-coded making it particularly easy to find a specific country in the book.

An index to common English species names is provided - each index entry is further sub-divided into country, making it easy to, for example, locate all the sites featuring Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker in Estonia. The scientific name for each species is also provided in the index.


 - Bird Watching Magazine

"Ce guide est indispensable à tout ornithologue désireux de faire de l'ornithologie dans les pays de l'Est."

 - Marcel Ruelle - L'ornithologue - F.O.W. (Belgium)

288 pages.

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