Atlantic Gannet
RSPB What's that Bird? : The Simplest ID Guide Ever

RSPB What's that Bird? : The Simplest ID Guide Ever

Rob Hume

Based on habitat with a useful gallery (with birds grouped by colour) at the back.

RSPB What's That Bird? is ideal if you struggle to tell a Swift from a Swallow. It's the perfect pocket guide for beginners but also a handy reference for the more seasoned bird-watcher.

Featuring over 150 common European birds, habitat overviews show you what to look for where and commonly confused birds are shown side by side for quick comparison and identification.

Based on habitat (Close to Home; Woodland & Forest; Open Country, Water & Waterside and Coast & Sea). Within each habitat the birds are then broken down into generic families (for example: Larks and Pipits; Small Birds of Prey, etc) with large clear photos and concise descriptive text. At the back the Bird Gallery arranges species by colour (with useful page references back to the full photograph/descriptive text). 128 pages.

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