Blue Tit by Julian Bhalerao
Finding Birds in South Portugal

Finding Birds in South Portugal

Dave Gosney

Features over 70 species. Explores three areas that have been overshadowed by neighbouring parts of Spain, but have a great deal to offer in their own right - the Algarve, the plains of Castro Verde and the wetlands around Lisbon. Dave introduces each of the sites with his own personal comments and then explains how a typical visit might develop.The booklet, Finding Birds in South Portugal, (which can be bought separately) provides really good maps with GPS co-ordinates that can be used to ensure that there is no risk of confusion about where to start.

The sites start with the Tejo estuary which lies close to Lisbon and offers excellent winter birding. The city is also home to a number of exotic escapes, so if you really want to see these, a trip to Barroca d'Alva is recommended. For impressive numbers of Glossy Ibis and raptors Dave visits the Sado estuary, while not far from there are the Santo Andre Lagoons. Heading south to the Algarve, raptor passage is best watched from the Sagres peninsula where seabird movements can also be observed. Advice is given on how to succeed with both. Other nearby sites include the Alvor estuary and Lagoa de Salgado, two of the best wetlands in Portugal. There is also Vilamoura which offers the best chance of getting close to Purple Swamphen and Little Bittern. In addition both sides of the Rio Formosa are featured. Moving inland we are shown Castro Marim and the Castro Verde plains where Great Bustard, Little Bustard, Black-bellied Sandgrouse , Black-shouldered Kite, Montagu's Harrier and Spanish Imperial Eagle can be found.

The DVD plus the booklet are available as a kit at a Special Offer price - Finding Birds in South Portugal 78 min.

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DVD £24.95 £19.95 UK & EU (£16.63 Non EU)

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