Bumble Bees of North America
Paul Williams, Robbin Thorp, Leif Richardson & Sheila Colla
Best guide to identifying 46 species of bumble bees in North America (north of Mexico). Includes detailed distribution maps, extensive keys for identifying the many colour patterns of species and the latest taxonomy (including previously unpublished results).
More than ever before, there is widespread interest in studying bumble bees and the critical role they play in our ecosystems. 'Bumble Bees of North America' is the first comprehensive guide to North American bumble bees to be published in more than a century. Richly illustrated with colour photographs, diagrams, range maps, and graphs of seasonal activity patterns, it allows amateur and professional naturalists to identify all 46 bumble bee species found north of Mexico and to understand their ecology and changing geographic distributions. It draws on the latest molecular research, shows the enormous colour variation within species, and guides readers through the many confusing convergences between species. It also draws on a large repository of data from museum collections and presents state-of-the-art results on evolutionary relationships, distributions, and ecological roles. Illustrated keys allow identification of colour morphs and social castes. 208 pages.
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