Atlantic Puffin
Beetles of Eastern North America

Beetles of Eastern North America

Arthur V Evans

This book is a landmark tome the most comprehensive full-colour guide to the remarkably diverse and beautiful beetles of the United States and Canada east of the Mississippi River. It is the first colour-illustrated guide to cover 1,400 species in all 115 families that occur in the region and the first new in-depth guide to the region in more than forty years. Lavishly illustrated with over 1500 stunning colour images by some of the best insect photographers in North America,

Extensive introductory sections provide essential information on beetle anatomy, reproduction, development, natural history, behaviour, and conservation. Also included are tips on where and when to find beetles; how to photograph, collect, and rear beetles; and how to contribute to research. Each family and species account presents concise and easy-to-understand information on identification, natural history, collecting, and geographic range. Organised by family, the book also includes an illustrated key to the most common beetle families, with 31 drawings that aid identification, and features current information on distribution, biology, and taxonomy not found in other guides. 560 pages.

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