Atlantic Puffin
Warblers and Other Songbirds of North America: A Life-Size Guide to Every Species

Warblers and Other Songbirds of North America: A Life-Size Guide to Every Species

Paul Sterry

Written by biologist, author and photographer Dr. Paul Sterry, this is a stunning photographic field guide of 285 species of North American warblers and songbirds-published here in glorious life-sized detail along with concise descriptions, maps of where you can find each species, and useful facts for experienced birdwatchers and armchair ornithologists alike.

Warblers and Other Songbirds of North America presents a photographic field guide of 285 species of the region's richly varied songbirds in their true-to-life size. The birds featured in this book are known for their elaborate bird songs, produced by their highly developed vocal organs. Arranged here by region and taxonomic order, every songbird is depicted life-sized, and is accompanied by a short description with useful information on identification and on the species' habits and behavior. Additionally, each species entry has a map to show where the species can be found as well as a fact grid with key details such as common and scientific name, length, food, habitat, status, and voice.

The photographs are gloriously detailed and chosen to show each species' unique identification features and typical postures. Small enough to fit in a purse or backpack-yet large enough for armchair viewing-Warblers and Other Songbirds of North America is perfect for the experienced birdwatcher, the aspiring naturalist, or the bird lover alike. 352 pages.

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