Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Europe's Sea Mammals Including the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands and Cape Verde

Europe's Sea Mammals Including the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands and Cape Verde

Robert Still, Hugh Harrop et al

A state-of-the-art photographic identification guide to Europe's whales, dolphins, porpoises and seals.

This cutting-edge photographic identification guide to Europe's sea mammals - the only such guide of its kind - covers the 39 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises and 9 species of seals found in the region, which spans the eastern Atlantic from Iceland to Macaronesia, and the Mediterranean, Caspian and Baltic seas.

Written and illustrated by a team of professional tour guides with extensive experience presenting the region's sea mammals, the guide features more than 180 colour photographs, maps and graphics, highlights key identification features and includes information on the range, ecology, behaviour and conservation status of each species.

Produced with the marine conservation charity ORCA, the book presents mapping data from a decade of surveys, which shows both current distribution and changes over time. Europe's Sea Mammals is an essential companion for whale watchers and anyone else who is interested in this enigmatic group of mammals. 208 pages.

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