Ruby-throated Hummingbird
A Lifetime in Galápagos

A Lifetime in Galápagos

Tui de Roy

Tui de Roy is a name synonymous with the wildlife of the Galápagos, and this extraordinary work is her final book and the culmination of a lifetime's work.

This photographic showcase tells the story of the Galápagos, with unique insights into the unusual aspects of its natural history. Tui's stunning photography illustrates this accessible introduction to the geology, natural history, science and conservation challenges of the islands, with new behavioural work on animals such as Galápagos Fur Seals that has never before been recorded. This is the most up-to-date photographic book on the Galápagos.

With more knowledge and experience than any other visiting scientist or photographer, Tui is the most qualified voice for the Galápagos. This is a truly spectacular book from one of the world's most highly regarded wildlife photographers. 240 pages.

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