Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Europe's Birds: An Identification Guide

Europe's Birds: An Identification Guide

Rob Hume, Robert Still, Andy Swash & Hugh Harrop

Covering more than 900 species, and illustrated with over 3,800 photos, this is the most comprehensive, authoritative and ambitious single-volume photographic guide to Europe's birds ever produced. Detailed descriptions provide the information necessary to identify the birds of Europe in all their plumages - male, female, breeding, non-breeding, adult and immatures, as well as distinctive subspecies- yet the book is easy-to-use, practical and accessible. Birdwatchers of any ability will benefit from the clear text, details on range, status and habitat, and an unrivalled selection of photographs. Chosen to be as naturalistic and informative as possible, the images are also stunning to look at, making this a beautiful book to enjoy, as well as an up-to-date and essential source of identification knowledge.

The authors include top-class wildlife photographers, writers and editors, and an imaginative, highly skilled designer. All are experienced birders themselves, who know what is needed and what is useful in an id guide for birders living or travelling in Europe.

  • Covers all 914 species ever recorded in Europe, including established introductions
  • Describes all distinctive plumages and subspecies
  • Provides details of vocalizations, flight action and favoured habitats
  • Features more than 3,800 photographs, including comparison pages of birds in flight
  • Includes 540 maps, prepared in association with BirdLife International
  • Enables direct comparison of similar species

624 pages.

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