Common Bees of Eastern North America
Olivia Messinger Carril & Joseph S. Wilson
Bees play a vitally important role in the pollination of native plants and agricultural crops around the globe. Common Bees of Eastern North America is the first species-level photographic field guide to the most commonly seen bees in the eastern United States and Canada. Identifying bees to species is challenging even for taxonomists.
This book walks you through the process of bee identification using breathtaking high-resolution colour photos that highlight the unique characteristics of each species, making identification easier. Full of essential facts about the natural history of these magnificent creatures, this is the must-have field guide for naturalists and backyard gardeners alike.
Covers 125 of the most commonly seen species in the eastern United States and Canada Features 500 stunning close-up photos in full colour Shows multiple images for each species, with arrows highlighting key identifying marks Provides silhouette images depicting the actual size of each species Describes key identification features, size, phenology, floral preference, nesting, and related species Includes a range map for every species
Contains a taxonomic key to the bee genera of the eastern United States and Canada. 288 pages.
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