Atlantic Puffin

Velvet Ants of North America (Princeton Field Guides)

Kevin A Williams, Aaron D Pan & Joseph S Wilson

Velvet Ants of North America is a beautiful photographic guide to the species of the wasp family Mutillidae found in the United States and Canada. Featuring hundreds of full-colour photos, it covers nearly 460 species - representing more than 9 percent of all velvet ant species, which number in the thousands worldwide - providing comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of this spectacular group of insects. This one-of-a-kind guide serves as an invaluable reference for naturalists, scientific researchers, museum specialists, and outdoor enthusiasts.

  • Covers nearly 460 species found in North America and throughout the world
  • Features stunning high-resolution photos of each species
  • Detailed species accounts and keys allow for easy and rewarding identification
  • Sheds invaluable light on taxa from Mesoamerica, the Caribbean, and beyond
  • Provides silhouette images depicting the actual size ranges of species
  • Includes distribution maps of nearly all diurnal species in the United States and Canada

440 pages.

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