Atlantic Puffin

Soundscapes, Music & Spoken Word  Africa & Related Islands

No music, no announcements, just pure natural sounds. (Unless otherwise specified).


One day in the Equatorial Forest (Congo)

One day in the Equatorial Forest (Congo)

Pierre Huguet

The astounding zenith of biological diversity; orioles, cuckoos, chimpanzees, African Grey Parrots and more. 1 hours! More details…

Atmosphere Recording
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CD £17.99 £15.99 UK & EU (£13.33 Non EU)

Madagascar Soundscapes

Madagascar Soundscapes

V Randrianary, S Rifflet & J C Roché

61 min. More details…

Sound GuideAtmosphere Recording
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CD £12.99 £1.99 UK & EU (£1.66 Non EU)

Namibia Soundscapes

Namibia Soundscapes

Anthony Walker

57 min. More details…

Atmosphere Recording
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CD £19.99 £2.99 UK & EU (£2.49 Non EU)

One day in the Savanna (Zambia)

One day in the Savanna (Zambia)

Pierre Huguet

The savanna is astonishing, forever vibrating with a mixture of natural and mystical sounds. 54 min. More details…

Atmosphere Recording
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CD £17.99 £15.99 UK & EU (£13.33 Non EU)

Senegal: Marshes and savannahs

Senegal: Marshes and savannahs

F Brunelière, J C Roché

Comprises eight delightful chapters, progressing from the vicinity of a sleepy village in the Niokolo-Koba National Park at dawn to a night-time concert of insects.

Atmosphere Recording
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CD £15.99 £13.99 UK & EU (£11.66 Non EU)

Jungles of Senegal

Jungles of Senegal

J C Roché, P Palengat

55 min. More details…

Atmosphere Recording
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CD £19.99 £2.99 UK & EU (£2.49 Non EU)

Sounds of the Desert

Sounds of the Desert

Jean C Roché

60 min. More details…

Atmosphere Recording
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CD £19.99 £2.99 UK & EU (£2.49 Non EU)

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