Soundscapes, Music & Spoken Word Australasia
No music, no announcements, just pure natural sounds. (Unless otherwise specified).
Australian Bush Sounds: An Incredible Journey
David Stewart
Experience amazing bush sounds as you are taken on a journey around Australia. 52 separate recordings are blended together as a continuous sequence. 72 min. More details…
Australian Soundscapes
David Lumsdaine
Discover the strange bird sounds of this unique continent, with some astonishing soloists, including Rufous Whistler, Pied and Black Butcherbirds, White-backed Magpie and the cheerful Kookaburra. 8 atmospheric concerts. 67 min. More details…
Voices of Subtropical Rainforests
David Stewart
Incredible atmospheres which evoke the changing moods of the Australian subtropical rainforests. 60 min. More details…
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