Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao

Soundscapes, Music & Spoken Word  World

No music, no announcements, just pure natural sounds. (Unless otherwise specified).


Cicadas and Crickets

Cicadas and Crickets

J C Roché, J Thévenet

Sounds of over 60 species of crickets, cicadas and other 'singing' insects from around the world. 74 min. More details…

Atmosphere Recording
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CD £19.99 £6.99 UK & EU (£5.83 Non EU)

Great Masters - 2

Great Masters - 2

Jean C Roché

Favourites including the Skylark, Blackbird and Great Northern Diver. 72 min. More details…

Atmosphere Recording
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CD £19.99 £11.99 UK & EU (£9.99 Non EU)

Night-time Concerts

Night-time Concerts

Bernard Fort

Nine long natural concerts recorded at night in stereo in different parts of the world - Provence, Domes Brittany and Elbe Island, France; Sardinia; the Danube Delta; Canada & Kenya. 138 min.

Atmosphere Recording
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Double CD Set £19.99 £12.99 UK & EU (£10.83 Non EU)

Nocturnal Concerts of the World 1

Nocturnal Concerts of the World 1

Bernard Fort

Night-time belongs to the insects and amphibians. They sing, barely troubled by thunder and rain, in this tender portrayal of a world beyond bedtime. 73 min. More details…

Atmosphere Recording
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CD £19.99 £7.99 UK & EU (£6.66 Non EU)

Voices of Nature

Voices of Nature

J C Roché et al

68 min. More details…

Atmosphere Recording
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CD £11.99 £4.99 UK & EU (£4.16 Non EU)

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