Sound Guides Britain
Bird Songs & Calls of Britain & Europe Vol 1: Divers to raptors
J C Roché et al
74 min. More details…
Bird Songs & Calls of Britain & Europe Vol 2: Gamebirds to sandgrouse
J C Roché et al
77 min. More details…
Bird Songs & Calls of Britain & Europe Vol 3: Cuckoos to hippolais warblers
J C Roché et al
74 min. More details…
Bird Songs & Calls of Britain & Europe Vol 4: Sylvia warblers to buntings
J C Roché et al
74 min. More details…
British Bird Sounds on CD
British Library Sound Archive
Bestselling 2 CD set featuring the characteristic songs and calls of 175 species of the most frequently found British birds, each indexed by track number and announced in English. 152 min. More details…
The Sound Approach to birding
Mark Constantine
A revolutionary new approach! Learn the facts of bird sound while listening to over 200 beautiful exclusive stereo recordings from all over the world. 192 pages. More details…
Attracting Swifts
Erich Kaise
This German produced CD (with written instructions in English) consists entirely of Common Swift response calls, vital for attracting swifts to new nestboxes. 73 min. More details…
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