Birds of South Asia - The Ripley Guide: Edition 2
Pamela C Rasmussen & John C Anderton
The most complete and up-to-date guide to the birds of the region. Includes much previously unpublished data on identification, distributions, vocalisations and taxonomy, along with critical re-appraisal of historic information. A must buy for any birder with an interest in South Asia, which in this work is treated as including the Indian subcontinent, Afghanistan and the Chagos Archipelago.
Vol 1 (Field Guide): Covers all South Asian birds. 180 plates illustrate over 3400 plumages, with ID notes and scientifically verified. Over 1450 all-new annotated colour maps opposite plates, based primarily on verified records, represent the ranges of each regularly occurring species and many distinctive races, and distinguish migratory routes from winter ranges. Maps are annotated as to geographic variation, status, and habitat. Maps include distribution of species in surrounding areas, mainly Tibet and western and central Myanmar.
Vol 2 (Attributes & Status) Contains much new information and many taxonomic treatments. Morphology, distribution, vocalisations and taxonomy. Describes over 2500 taxa, including over 1400 species recorded for the region. Includes all accepted races and two species new to science. Includes over 25 recent species-splits. Establishes region's first hypothetical list. Vocalisations described in detail for nearly all species. Sonagrams are presented for over 1000 species. 1067 pages.
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