Atlantic Gannet
Field Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Great Britain and Ireland: Edition 5

Field Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Great Britain and Ireland: Edition 5

Steve Brooks & Richard Lewington

Excellent field guide, with superb 270+ colour illustrations of all of Britain's 39 resident (plus 3 extinct) species and 13 migrants. The species descriptions cover major identifying characteristics and comparisons with similar species; status and conservation; and ecology and behaviour with descriptions of habitat, larval form and behaviour, emergence, feeding, territorial and mating behaviours and egg-laying preferences. The illustrations show both males and females with diagnostic features such as segment markings or head patterns, etc, and all resident species accounts are also accompanied by a distribution map and a chart indicating the flight season. The guide also includes a comprehensive introduction to dragonflies (with sections on the fossil record, world perspective, biology, flight, life history, distribution, habitats and dragonflies and the law), information on creating ponds for dragonflies, field study and practical conservation, and a list of the best places to watch dragonflies throughout Britain and Ireland. 192 pages.

Plates, Distribution Maps and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.Plates, Distribution Maps and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.Plates, Distribution Maps and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.
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