Field Guide to the Birds of Central Asia
Raffaele Aye, Manuel Schweizer & Tobias Roth
The first field guide to include the former Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, along with neighbouring Afghanistan. This vast area includes a diverse variety of habitats, and the avifauna is similarly broad, from sandgrouse, ground jays and larks on the vast steppe and semi-desert to a broad range of raptors, and from woodland species such as warblers and nuthatches to a suite of montane species, such as snowcocks, accentors and snowfinches. 141 high-quality plates cover every species (and all distinctive races) that occur in the region, along with concise text focusing on ID with accurate colour distribution maps. Important introductory sections introduce the land and its birds. A must-read for any birder or traveller visiting this remote region. 336 pages.
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