Blue Tit by Julian Bhalerao
British Moths: A Photographic Guide to the Moths of Britain and Ireland: Edition 3

British Moths: A Photographic Guide to the Moths of Britain and Ireland: Edition 3

Chris Manley

Packed with the stunning photography, this guide is the perfect single-volume guide to Britain's moths. Its coverage is broad, including 871 macro-moths and 1276 species of micros. The authoritative text provides important information on identification, size and larval food plant for each species and, for the first time, maps are included. Introductory sections cover habitats, life cycles, conservation, and trapping and photographic techniques. The new edition is far more comprehensive than the original edition, and the main changes are as follows: Covers 700 more species of micro-moths. Many of the photos have been replaced and the total number of images is now over 3100. The photos are presented in a uniform alignment for ease of comparison between species. Size bars are added below each image showing average forewing length. Taxonomy and nomenclature conform to the latest checklist (but old Bradley numbers are still included) Maps included for every species for the first time. Covers all of the British Isles (Great Britain, Ireland and the Isle of Man) plus the Channel Islands. Excludes butterflies and caterpillars to make room for much greater coverage of true moths. With many people now setting up their own backyard moth traps, and many others who are simply curious to know which species are fluttering around their light bulbs, this book provides a superb introduction to this fascinating insect group. 448 pages.

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Hardback Edition 3 £45.00 £39.50

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