Atlantic Puffin
Finding Birds in North-west Turkey

Finding Birds in North-west Turkey

Dave Gosney

March 2015.

Compared to other publications covering the same area, this one:

  • Provides the most detailed maps - so you can easily find your way to the best tracks, footpaths, feeding stations, hides and bird towers.
  • Includes GPS co-ordinates to help you find the right turnings, parking spaces or viewing points.
  • Highlights the best areas only - and summarises the key attraction in the first paragraph so you can easily decide whether to read on or bother to visit the site.
  • Has a map on the inside cover which serves as an index so you can easily find any site in the book.
  • Is light and portable (and cheap).
  • Is complemented by a DVD showing you exactly what it's like to go birding in many of these sites.

Sites covered:

Istanbul - including the best vantage points for watching the raptor migration, a great site for viewing Yelkouan Shearwaters in peace, and a specific site for watching Semi-collared Flycatcher, Grey-headed and Middle Spotted Woodpeckers in the Belgrade Forest.

Lake Terkos - how to find the best birding spots at both ends of the lake..

Buyuk Cekmece lake - details of the best birding spots which AREN'T actually on the lake itself.

Lake Apolyont - a truly exceptional wetland site with hundreds of Pygmy Cormorants and both species of pelican.

Lake Manyas - where to see the breeding herons and pelicans from an observation tower or get close to birds in other parts of the lake.

Kocacay delta - a great little patch for looking for migrants.

Uludag - the mountain overlooking Bursa has sites for Kruper's Nuthatch, Red-fronted Serin and Horned Lark.

The Menemen hills - exactly where to go to find birds such as White-throated Robin and the western race of Cinereous Bunting.

Izmir Kus Cenetti - an extensive wetland area but the best birding is NOT at the nature reserve itself.

Nellihan Kus Cenetti - an exceptional wetland with wall-to-wall birds to enjoy.

Beypazari - great birding in the hills for species such as Egyptian Vulture and White-throated Robin.

Kibriscik - Black Vulture and Lammergeier may be found here.

Abant Golu - a picturesque site where the breeding birds include Green Warbler, Kruper's Nuthatch and Common Rosefinch.

Gerede plain - an exceptional area for raptors, especially eagles and vultures. This is the best area in Turkey for Imperial Eagles.

Sogucksu National Park - tree-covered hills with breeding Black Vulture and Black Stork and regular Lammergeiers. Kruper's Nuthatches in the woods.

"North-west Turkey used to be one of the most popular destinations for European birders but nowadays the fashion is to travel much further into Turkey for even more exotic species. However, this is still an exceptional area with breeding species such as Green Warbler, Red-fronted Serin, Kruper's Nuthatch, Black Vulture, Imperial Eagle, White-throated Robin and the western race of Cinereous Bunting. This book gives precise details of where all these birds can be found and guides you to terrific wetlands such as Lake Apolyont, Buyuk Cekmece Lake and Nallihan Kus Cenetti."

 - Dave Gosney.

35 pages.

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Softback £9.50 £8.50 UK & EU (£7.08 Non EU)

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