Atlantic Puffin
Pocket Photo Guide to the Birds of the Himalayas

Pocket Photo Guide to the Birds of the Himalayas

Bikram Grewal & Otto Pfister

The Himalayas, the world's highest mountain range, are a birdwatcher's paradise. Many of its species are high altitude specialists, including Tibetan and Himalayan Snowcocks, Snow Partridge, Ibisbill, Tibetan Sandgrouse, Hume's Groundpecker, Tibetan Snowfinch and Great Rosefinch. The area comprises a mosaic of different habitats which host a huge range of avian species, with families such as raptors, gamebirds, flycatchers and warblers particularly well represented. 252 of the Himalayas' most interesting and spectacular birds are featured in this concise and easy-to-use guide, and each species is illustrated with a colour photograph which is accompanied by text giving key information on identification, habitat and distribution.

Please note, this is a reissue of "A Photographic Guide to Birds of the Himalayas", formerly on the natural history list of New Holland publishers. 144 pages.

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