Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Tales from Concrete Jungles

Tales from Concrete Jungles

David Lindo

David Lindo's articles are collected here for the first time; most of them are expanded with new material, but a few never before published are also featured.

When you think about going birdwatching, you imagine visiting magnificent open countryside, rolling hills, lush woodland or waterlogged marshes. You don't think of towns and cities. In fact, the urban environment is surprisingly rich in birds: parks, gardens, scrubland, lakes and reservoirs all harbour many species of birds. Some town gardens even have bigger lists of birds than country gardens. David Lindo has brought urban birding back into the public consciousness, promoting its virtues at every opportunity and writing about it in the birding press. He urges people to look up when walking around in cities, or to stop and close your eyes in a busy street just to listen to the birds that may be singing. 224 pages.

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