Birds of South-East Asia: Concise Edition
Craig Robson
Please note, this is a reissue of New Holland Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia.
The up-to-date text covers the identification, voice, habitat, behaviour and range of all the 1270 species and distinctive subspecies of this magnificent bird-rich region. The authoritative text is accompanied by over 140 full-colour plates painted by a range of expert artists and covering major plumage variations. The guide has no distribution maps, distribution is indicated in each species account simply by mentioning the name of the country, and, using abbreviations, the rarity of the bird and whether it's a resident, vagrant etc. Birds of South-East Asia: Concise Edition is a complete field and reference guide to the birds of Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. It also covers a wide range of species found in the Indian subcontinent, China, Taiwan, Sumatra, Java, Bali, Borneo and the Philippines. 304 pages.
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