Atlantic Gannet
A Guide to the Birds of Honduras

A Guide to the Birds of Honduras

Robert J Gallardo

The first dedicated field guide to Honduras, featuring 1,000 illustrations on 73 colour plates. Along with the standard species accounts it has a lengthy chapter on 'Where to Find Birds in Honduras'. There are numerous tables toward the end of the book, one of which has an extensive list of botanical names for nectar sources that hummingbirds utilise and each species of hummingbird observed for each flower. A unique feature is a large pull-out map, approx. 16 × 25 inches, fitted in a pocket in the backcover. One side illustrates a basic layout of ecosystems, while other side is labelled 'Important Bird Sites in Honduras' and features over 200 points of interest throughout the country. These GPS-coded marker numbers are embedded in the text throughout most of the book and are all laid out in a separate table. This layout means that all the numbers can be easily cross-referenced. 554 pages.

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