Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Field Guide to the Moths of Great Britain & Ireland: Edition 3

Field Guide to the Moths of Great Britain & Ireland: Edition 3

Paul Waring & Martin Townsend. Illustrated by Richard Lewington.

Fully revised, updated and restructured, bringing it in line with the latest thinking in taxonomy. Moths are illustrated in their natural resting postures, and there are also paintings of different forms, underwings and other details to help with identification. New descriptions and illustrations have been included for species that have been newly recorded in Britain and Ireland since the last edition of this guide was published. The text descriptions of all other species covering field characters and similar species, flight season, life cycle, larval foodplants, and habitat have been revised and updated where necessary, and particular attention has been paid to updating the distribution information, which is now supported by maps. The revised general introduction explains how the methods of identifying and recording moths have evolved over recent years with the advent of new technologies and as a result of data analysis.

72 plates with approximately 1700 colour illustrations. 80 colour photos. 800 colour distribution maps. 464 pages.

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