Atlantic Puffin
The Arctic Guide: Wildlife of the Far North

The Arctic Guide: Wildlife of the Far North

Sharon Chester

This is an authoritative, portable guide to the flora and fauna of Earth's northernmost region. Featuring superb colour illustrations, this one-of-a-kind book covers the complete spectrum of wildlife - more than 800 species of plants, butterflies, fishes, birds, and mammals - that inhabit the Arctic's polar deserts, tundra, taiga, sea ice, and oceans. It can be used anywhere in the entire Holarctic region, including areas as diverse as the High Arctic islands of Canada, Norway's Svalbard Archipelago, Siberia, the Russian Far East, and Alaska and the islands of the Bering Sea.

Detailed species accounts describe key identification features, size, habitat, range, scientific name, and unique characteristics that enable these organisms to survive in the extreme conditions of the Far North. A colour distribution map accompanies each species account, and alternative names in German, French, Norwegian, Russian, and Inuit dialects are also provided. 542 pages.

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Softback £28.00 £24.50

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