Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
In Pursuit of Spring

In Pursuit of Spring

Edward Thomas

In March 1913, as the storm clouds of the Great War gathered, Edward Thomas took a bicycle ride from Clapham to the Quantock Hills in Somerset. The great poet recorded his journey with photographs and in notebooks, later publishing In Pursuit of Spring, a book now considered his best work of prose.

Edward Thomas is not known for his photography but these prints, hidden deep in the archives for many years, record meticulously what he saw through Guildford, Winchester, Salisbury, across the Plain, to the Bristol Channel combine with the poet's thoughts and feelings into a brooding elegy for a world now lost. Little Toller is delighted to have discovered these photographs and to be able to publish them for the first time.

Introduced by Alexandra Harris, the acclaimed author of Weatherland and Romantic Moderns, Little Toller's new edition of In Pursuit of Spring is published on March 3rd, Edward Thomas' birthday, and include over fifty photographs taken by the poet en route.

In 2014, to commemorate the centenary of In Pursuit of Spring, BBC Radio 4 broadcast a series in which the presenter Matthew Oates followed Thomas' steps. This edition with the author's photographs will be widely reviewed and undoubtedly find a whole new audience for Edward Thomas. 229 pages.

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