Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
RSPB Everyday Guide to British Birds

RSPB Everyday Guide to British Birds

Charlie Elder

The perfect companion for nature enthusiasts and birdwatching beginners. It describes the common and widespread species that a birder is likely to come across in Britain, and what makes each of them unique.

Clearly illustrated, packed with fascinating facts and written in a friendly style, it provides the perfect no-nonsense guide for those wanting to identify and learn more about the birds they encounter, whether in their back garden or the wider countryside.

The book focuses on 80 of the most common British species, cutting down the typical field guide species list from a plethora of "possibles" to a list of manageable "probables".

The birds are ordered into broad and straightforward groups, not taxonomically, and the writing concentrates on the kind of facts non-birders want to share. The book also gives readers a sense of each species' significance, congratulating them on less frequent sightings and, unlike dispassionate field guides, it lets you know when you've seen something out of the ordinary. 192 pages.

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