Atlantic Gannet
Chasing the Ghost: My Search for all the Wild Flowers of Britain

Chasing the Ghost: My Search for all the Wild Flowers of Britain

Peter Marren

Some people decide to go skydiving when they turn fifty. Others travel to a long dreamed-of place: Antarctica, perhaps, or the Galapagos. Others run the London Marathon. But to mark his most significant birthday, Peter Marren decided on an entirely different sort of mid-life challenge: to track down the last fifty British wild plants he'd yet to see, having ticked off the first 1,400 over a half-century well spent rummaging in hedges, slipping down gullies and peering into peat bogs.

This expert and emotional journey takes him the length and the breadth of the British Isles, searching for our most elusive plants. He travels from Skye to the Scilly Isles, from mountain to forest floor but does he manage to find them all? 304 pages.

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