Vitamin N: The Essential Guide to a Nature-Rich Life
Richard Louv
In his groundbreaking international bestseller Last Child in the Woods, Richard Louv spotlighted the alienation of children from the natural world, coining the term 'nature-deficit disorder' and outlining the benefits of a strong nature connection - from boosting mental acuity and creativity to reducing obesity and depression, from promoting health and wellness to simply having fun. Vitamin N is his comprehensive practical handbook, a companion to both Last Child in the Woods and The Nature Principle, a complete prescription for enjoying the natural world right now, with 500 activities, scores of informational websites and an abundance of down-to-earth advice.
Unlike other guidebooks, Vitamin N (for 'nature') addresses the whole family and the wider community, with tips for calming infants through nature, building a nature vocabulary with toddlers, and measuring weather with school children, as well as helping tweens become citizen scientists and exploring geocaching with teens; plus information on how the whole family can join nature clubs, volunteer to restore damaged habitats, or play outdoor games from all over the world.
Vitamin N is a dose of pure inspiration, reminding us that looking up at the stars or taking a walk in the woods is as joyful as it is essential, at any age. 304 pages.
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