The Complete Guide to Bird Photography: Edition 2
Jeffrey Rich
n this beautifully illustrated book, author Jeffrey Rich provides indispensable tips for taking polished, professional-quality photographs of birds. Catering to a wide audience, from beginners to professional photographers who are new to bird photography, he covers equipment selection and camera settings to maximise your in-camera captures and provides ideas for finessing the images in postproduction and getting the images seen. Readers will also learn when and where to find subjects that are flying, perching, nesting, eating, and mating - as well as how to attract them. Birding enthusiasts will enjoy informative text about a wide variety of birds, from swallows, to hummingbirds, to cranes, flamingos, owls, and more, and will also learn how to be a better steward of nature by behaving ethically while capturing heart-fluttering images. Illustrated with over 180 full-colour images, The Complete Guide to Bird Photography is both a bonafide educational tool and a feast for the eyes. 127 pages.
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