Birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands: Edition 3
Herbert A Raffaele, Clive Petrovic, Sergio A Colón López, Lisa Yntema & José A Salguero Faria
This portable and informative field guide describes the bird species found on Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Fully updated, Birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands presents all 347 species, both naturally occurring as well as introduced, and highlights the 19 endemic species found nowhere else in the world. Species are sorted by habitat to facilitate identification and extra illustrations are provided for birds similar in appearance. Facing pages conveniently juxtapose species accounts, distribution maps, and illustrations, and a section on birding hotspots pinpoints the best locations for finding specific birds. Birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands will be indispensable for birders and nature enthusiasts. 224 pages.
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