Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Pheasants, Partridges & Grouse

Pheasants, Partridges & Grouse

Steve Madge & Phil McGowan

This guide brings together, for the first time within a single volume, a comprehensive review of all the world's pheasants, partridges, quail, grouse, turkey, guineafowl, buttonquail and sandgrouse, plus the enigmatic Plains-wanderer - 257 species in total.

The group includes some of the world's most familiar and beautiful birds, such as Indian Peafowl and the stunning tragopans, as well as some of the rarest and most threatened. Some survive in fragments of over-exploited habitats, whilst others are now so familiar in domestication that it is difficult to imagine that they had any wild ancestors at all.

The 72 colour plates, by leading bird illustrators, show male, female, juvenile and subspecies plumages, and form the finest set of illustrations of these birds to date. There is also a colour distribution map for each species.

Size 234 x 156mm. 488 pages.

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(LxW) 23.4 x 15.6 cm Hardback £50.00 £24.99

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