Atlantic Puffin
A Naturalist's Guide to the Birds of the Middle East including Egypt, the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula

A Naturalist's Guide to the Birds of the Middle East including Egypt, the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula

Richard Hoath

A Naturalist's Guide to the Birds of the Middle East is a compact, incisive photographic identification guide to 280 bird species found in the Middle East, including Egypt, and the countries of the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula. The book shows the region's most commonly seen, unique and endemic species, and is perfect for resident and visitor alike. High-quality photographs from the region's top nature photographers are accompanied by detailed species descriptions, which include nomenclature, size, distribution, habits and habitat. The user-friendly introduction covers biogeography, migration, bird topography and a glossary. Also included is an all-important checklist of all of the birds of Egypt and the Middle East encompassing, for each species, its common and scientific name as well as its status in each country and its global IUCN status. 176 pages.

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