Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
RSPB Wild Things to Do With Woodlice

RSPB Wild Things to Do With Woodlice

Michael Cox

Can't tell a blackbird from a blackberry, a butterfly from a buttercup or a hedgehog from a hedgerow? This action-packed book filled with nature activities, facts and tales will tell you everything you need to know about how to get stuck into nature.

From how to stalk a shrew, make a bee barn, to how to take amazing phone-camera snaps, or construct a woodlouse maze out of Lego, this book is packed full of amazing nature activities for every day of the year.

Also find out: Who kept a pocket full of toads; How best to watch woodlouse drinking through their bottoms; Who is famous for eating bowls of slug stew? Where to find the best live nature webcams and much, much more. 192 pages.

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