Blue Tit by Julian Bhalerao
The Deck of Mushrooms: An Illustrated Field Guide to Fascinating Fungi

The Deck of Mushrooms: An Illustrated Field Guide to Fascinating Fungi

Sapphire McMullan-Fisher. Illustrated by Marta Zafra.

Fungi are eternally mysterious and truly unique. The Deck of Mushrooms is your essential introduction to some of the world's most interesting fungi. From the delicious Shiitake and the deadly Death Cap, to mushrooms of the magical variety and bioluminescent beauties, The Deck of Mushrooms features 52 beautiful cards to guide you through this fascinating world. This deck features 50 different fungi - learn about their appearance, where and when they grow and all of their uses as you become a budding expert in mycology. 52 cards.

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Box £15.00 £13.99 UK & EU (£11.66 Non EU)

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