A Guide to the Hawkmoths of the Serra dos Orgaos, South-Eastern Brazil / Guia dos Sphingidae da Serra dos Orgaos, Sudeste do Brasil
Alan Martin, Alexandre Soares and Jorge Bizarro
The Mata Atlantica or Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil is one of the most threatened biomes in the world with less than 7% of the original forest remaining, and most of this highly fragmented. Despite the destruction, these forests are still of international importance and have been recognised as one of the highest priorities for conservation. In the heart of the Mata Atlantica in the State of Rio de Janeiro lie the Serra dos Orgaos (Organ Mountains).
Whilst recent years have seen a number of new field guides published on the birds of Brazil, there are few field guides to other animals. This book is the first to provide a comprehensive guide to all the 110 species of hawkmoths that have been recorded in the Serra dos Orgaos. For each species there is a detailed text which includes taxonomic nomenclature, distribution and flight times, along with key identification features. There are 37 colour plates illustrating all the species from above and below for males and females, and there are over 120 colour photos showing many of the hawkmoths in their natural resting postures. Using these illustrations, photos and text any keen observer, with no prior knowledge, should be able to readily identify any of the species described.
The book also includes several introductory chapters which cover general information on the Serra dos Orgaos and hawkmoth life history and development, and these chapters are provided in both English and Portuguese. The appendices also include a comprehensive list of larval host plants by genera.
Although the book focuses on the Serra dos Orgaos, many of the species covered have wide distributions across the neotropics. This book should therefore appeal not only to those interested in the hawkmoths of Brazil, but to a much wider audience.
Printed in English and Portuguese. 143 pages.
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