Atlantic Puffin
Photographic Guide to Birds of the Philippines

Photographic Guide to Birds of the Philippines

Tim Fisher & Nigel Hicks

The birds of the Philippines are generally not well known, but with over 600 species, including the endemic Philippine creepers, there is plenty on offer across the islands for the average birdwatcher. This introduction covers more than 250 of these species, with a focus on those most likely to be seen on the outskirts of Metro Manila and open country and coastal areas. Rarer species threatened with extinction and restricted to the undergrowth of the forest, one island only, or individual mountain tops, such as the Philippine Eagle, are also covered. Packed with carefully selected full-colour photographs, and accompanying text on identification, habitat, lifestyle and distribution, this is an ideal pocket-sized guide for travellers to the region.

Please note that this book was first published by New Holland in 2001. 144 pages.

Plates and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.Plates and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.
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