Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Soundscapes, Music & Spoken Word  America - South & Central

No music, no announcements, just pure natural sounds. (Unless otherwise specified).


Forests of the Amazon

Forests of the Amazon

P Huguet & Otostain

A journey in sound from the foothills of the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean. 71 min. More details…

Atmosphere Recording
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Cassette £8.12 £6.12 UK & EU (£5.10 Non EU)
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CD £19.99 £4.99 UK & EU (£4.16 Non EU)

Amazonia Vol. 1

Amazonia Vol. 1

Pierre Huguet & Olivier Tostain

55 min. More details…

Atmosphere Recording
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CD £20.42 £17.49 UK & EU (£14.58 Non EU)

American Forests and Lakes

American Forests and Lakes

Jean C Roché

69 min. More details…

Atmosphere Recording
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CD £19.99 £1.99 UK & EU (£1.66 Non EU)

Rainforest Requiem

Rainforest Requiem

Richard Ranft

A threatened world revealed in sound, beautiful and exotic, sensual and fantastic. Hear the haunting pre-dawn calls of the Potoo, a tropical thunderstorm and the exquisite song of the Musician Wren. 60 min. More details…

Atmosphere Recording
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CD £14.99 £6.99 UK & EU (£5.83 Non EU)

Yutajé - The Lost World of Venezuela

Yutajé - The Lost World of Venezuela

David Rosane

66 min. More details…

Atmosphere Recording
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CD £19.99 £7.99 UK & EU (£6.66 Non EU)

Birding in the West Indies

Birding in the West Indies

Jean C Roché

Rich natural symphonies typical of the tropical islands of Guadaloupe, Martinique, Saint Vincent, Dominican Republic and Grenada. The songs and calls of each bird species are indexed so this CD can be used as a sound guide. 48 min. More details…

Sound GuideAtmosphere Recording
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CD £19.99 £4.99 UK & EU (£4.16 Non EU)

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