Blue Tit by Julian Bhalerao


We're eager to create a comprehensive list of links to web-sites of note to birders. The geographical entries link to non-commercial sites. If you would like a link added to this page, please send an e-mail to the webmaster at with the details.


  • British Birdwatching Fair The world's first and largest international event for birdwatchers. Described as the birdwatcher's Glastonbury, Birdfair encompasses the whole spectrum of the birdwatching industry whilst at the same time supporting global bird conservation. This is the event of the year if you're into birds and other wildlife. There are hundreds of stands selling the latest products for wildlife enthusiasts. You'll find everything, from scopes to sculptures, binoculars to bird food, eGuides to eco-holidays!
    Every day of the event, we offer a packed programme of events. Three separate timetables boast a fantastic variety of lectures. The Events Marquee hosts quiz shows, question and answer sessions, exclusive book launches and family-based entertainment. The Birdfair Auction offers you the chance to bid for a whole host of lots, donated by our exhibitors, ranging from holidays, to artwork, to unique one-off experiences, with all the monies raised going directly to this year's Birdfair project.
  • British Ornithologists' Union (BOU) Founded in 1858, its principal aim is to encourage the study of birds in Britain, Europe and throughout the world in order to understand their biology and to aid their conservation. The Union has an international membership and supports scientific ornithology by providing financial assistance, especially to young ornithologists, to assist their attendance of BOU sponsored conferences and meetings. Publishes checklists, books, and the quarterly journal Ibis.
  • British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) The BTO has been gathering detailed information on Britain's (and Ireland's) birds for over 60 years through its 10,000+ members. Publishes a bi-monthly newsletter, BTO News, and two scientific journals, Bird Study and Ringing & Migration. Has an extensive system of Regional Representatives and is committed to international ornithology through umbrella European groups.
  • Buglife is the only organisation in Europe devoted to the conservation of all invertebrates, and they are passionately committed to saving Britain's rarest little animals, everything from bees to beetles, and spiders to snails.
  • Disabled Birders Association A relatively young organisation seeking to improve access for people with disabilities to reserves, facilities and services for birding. It has members across the world but the majority live in the UK. There is a separate chapter in the USA.
  • The Hawk and Owl Trust - working to protect and conserve all wild birds of prey and their habitats.
  • Leicestershire & Rutland Ornithological Society
  • Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust Working for the protection and enhancement of Leicestershire & Rutland's wildlife and wild places. It aims to secure a better future for wildlife and to improve peopleís understanding and appreciation of wildlife.
  • National Sound Archive: Wildlife Section The most comprehensive collection of its kind, with more than 100,000 recordings of all kinds of animals and their environments worldwide. It is an important international resource for anyone interested in the sounds of the natural world. Recordings are scientifically organised and documented and are widely used by specialists in the field of bioacoustics and related behavioural and zoological disciplines.
  • Norfolk Wildlife Trust Working for the protection and enhancement of Norfolk's wildlife and wild places. It aims to secure a better future for wildlife and to improve people's understanding and appreciation of wildlife.
  • Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers
  • Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) Founded in 1889 to conserve wild birds and the environment in which they live and breed, this UK based society has over one million members. Members receive the award-winning magazine Birds.
  • Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Working for the protection and enhancement of Staffordshire's wildlife and wild places. It aims to secure a better future for wildlife and to improve people's understanding and appreciation of wildlife.
  • Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) Engendering care and concern for wetlands by focusing on rare wetland birds and bringing people into close contact with ducks, geese and swans, at centres throughout the UK.
  • Wiltshire Ornithological SocietyOur mission is to encourage and pursue the study, recording and conservation of birds in Wiltshire. We always welcome new members whatever their experience or ability. We particularly encourage juniors to join so that they may develop a lifetime interest in birds.

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Europe & Western Palearctic

  • BirdLife Malta Their mission is the protection of wild birds and their habitat on Malta & Gozo by monitoring activity that threatens wild birds, particularly hunting and trapping. Through BirdLife Maltaπs sustained action over the years, hunting today is no longer taken for granted.
  • Birdwatch Ireland - the largest independent conservation organisation in Ireland.
  • Ornithological Society of the Middle East, the Caucasus and central Asia (OSME) Formed in 1978 as a successor to the Ornithological Society of Turkey and was expanded in 2001 to cover the Caucasus and central Asia. Aims to collect, collate and publish ornithological data, and encourage an interest in and conservation of birds of the region. Members receive a twice-yearly colour journal, Sandgrouse.
  • Woodpeckers of Europe - Information, notes & photographs on Europe's ten Picidae species by Gerard Gorman.

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Africa & related Islands

  • African Bird Club (ABC) Founded in 1994 to provide a worldwide focus for African ornithology and encourage an interest in the conservation of the birds of the region. The Club promotes the work of existing regional societies and encourages birders to visit lesser known areas of the region and to actively search for threatened species. Members receive a twice-yearly colour bulletin.

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North America

  • American Birding Association (ABA) North America's largest membership organization for active birders, providing leadership to field birders by increasing their knowledge, skills, and enjoyment of birding and by contributing to bird conservation.
  • National Audubon Society Founded in 1905, its mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds and other wildlife, for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity. Members receive Audubon magazine six times a year.
  • Cornell University's Laboratory of Ornithology A membership institute dedicated to the study, appreciation, and conservation of birds. The Lab aims to foster understanding about nature and to contribute to efforts to protect biological diversity through research, education, and citizen science programs eg Project FeederWatch. The website gives details of the Lab's various programs and resources including the Library of Natural Sounds and Bioacoustics research programs, Collections and Publications.

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Neotropical Region

  • Neotropical Bird Club (NBC) Founded in 1994 to foster an interest in the birds of the Neotropics and mobilize the increasing number of birders active in the region to contribute to the conservation of Neotropical birds, to provide a forum for the publication of articles about Neotropical birds, and to publicise activities of local groups and individuals. Members receive a twice-yearly colour journal, Cotinga.

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Oriental Region

  • Oriental Bird Club (OBC) Formed to encourage an interest in the birds of the Oriental region and their conservation, to promote the work of existing regional societies, and to collate and publish material on Oriental birds. Members receive a twice-yearly colour bulletin and an annual colour journal, Forktail.

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Australasia & Oceanic Region

  • Royal Australasian Ornithologists' Union (RAOU) Dedicated to the understanding, conservation and enjoyment of Australia's wild native birds. The Birds Australia website includes a complete checklist, sightings bulletin, info on membership, publications, conservation and research programs, the RAOU catalog, and useful contacts.

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  • Birdlife International Founded in 1922 under the name International Council for Bird Preservation (ICBP) as a global conservation federation with a worldwide network of partner organizations. Seeks to conserve all bird species on earth and their habitats and, through this, work for the world's biological diversity. Pursues programme of scientific research, advocacy and policy development, field action and country conservation programmes.
  • The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) An independent, international campaigning organisation committed to investigating and exposing environmental crime.
  • Friends of the Earth An organisation at the forefront of the struggle to protect the environment since 1971. Campaigning and mobilising public opinion to persuade politicians and industry to take action - internationally, nationally and locally.
  • Gay Birders Club A club for lesbian and gay birders in the UK and overseas. Organizes birding events, both local and international and publishes a quarterly newsletter Out Birding. New members are welcome, regardless of birding ability or experience.
  • Greenpeace International

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