Birdwatching in Alaska
Paul Doherty
Superb footage of 114 species including Snowy Owl, Bristle-thighed Curlew, Spectacled Eider, Asian vagrants and much, much more. Alaska is a superb birdwatching destination and this DVD features the birds and places likely to be seen on a typical trip. It covers Homer Spit and the forests of the Kenai Peninsula, Denali National Park, the magnificent seabird colonies on the Pribilof Islands and the arctic tundra at Nome and Barrow. 90 min.
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Red-throated Diver | Gavia stellata |
Pacific Loon | Gavia pacifica |
Great Northern Diver | Gavia immer |
Red-necked Grebe | Podiceps grisegena |
Northern Fulmar | Fulmarus glacialis |
Red-faced Cormorant | Phalacrocorax urile |
Trumpeter Swan | Cygnus buccinator |
Tundra Swan | Cygnus columbianus |
Greater White-fronted Goose | Anser albifrons |
Canada Goose | Branta canadensis |
American Wigeon | Anas americana |
Green-winged Teal | Anas carolinensis |
Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos |
Northern Pintail | Anas acuta |
Greater Scaup | Aythya marila |
Common Eider | Somateria mollissima |
King Eider | Somateria spectabilis |
Spectacled Eider | Somateria fischeri |
Steller's Eider | Polysticta stelleri |
Harlequin Duck | Histrionicus histrionicus |
Long-tailed Duck | Clangula hyemalis |
Barrow's Goldeneye | Bucephala islandica |
Bald Eagle | Haliaeetus leucocephalus |
Hen Harrier | Circus cyaneus |
Rough-legged Buzzard | Buteo lagopus |
Gyr Falcon | Falco rusticolus |
Willow Ptarmigan | Lagopus lagopus |
Sandhill Crane | Grus canadensis |
American Golden Plover | Pluvialis dominica |
Pacific Golden Plover | Pluvialis fulva |
Semipalmated Plover | Charadrius semipalmatus |
Hudsonian Godwit | Limosa haemastica |
Bar-tailed Godwit | Limosa lapponica |
Whimbrel | Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus |
Bristle-thighed Curlew | Numenius tahitiensis |
Common Greenshank | Tringa nebularia |
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Lesser Yellowlegs | Tringa flavipes |
Wood Sandpiper | Tringa glareola |
Spotted Sandpiper | Actitis macularia |
Wandering Tattler | Heteroscelus incanus |
Ruddy Turnstone | Arenaria interpres |
Red-necked Phalarope | Phalaropus lobatus |
Grey Phalarope | Phalaropus fulicarius |
Wilson's Snipe | Gallinago delicata |
Long-billed Dowitcher | Limnodromus scolopaceus |
Western Sandpiper | Calidris mauri |
Long-toed Stint | Calidris subminuta |
Least Sandpiper | Calidris minutilla |
Baird's Sandpiper | Calidris bairdii |
Pectoral Sandpiper | Calidris melanotos |
Rock Sandpiper | Calidris ptilocnemis |
Dunlin | Calidris alpina |
Pomarine Skua | Stercorarius pomarinus |
Arctic Skua | Stercorarius parasiticus |
Long-tailed Skua | Stercorarius longicaudus |
Mew Gull | Larus canus |
Herring Gull | Larus argentatus |
Glaucous-winged Gull | Larus glaucescens |
Glaucous Gull | Larus hyperboreus |
Sabine's Gull | Xema sabini |
Black-legged Kittiwake | Rissa tridactyla |
Red-legged Kittiwake | Rissa brevirostris |
Arctic Tern | Sterna paradisaea |
Aleutian Tern | Sterna aleutica |
Brunnich's Guillemot | Uria lomvia |
Common Guillemot | Uria aalge |
Pigeon Guillemot | Cepphus columba |
Parakeet Auklet | Cyclorrhynchus psittacula |
Crested Auklet | Aethia cristatella |
Least Auklet | Aethia pusilla |
Horned Puffin | Fratercula corniculata |
Tufted Puffin | Fratercula cirrhata |
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Snowy Owl | Nyctea scandiaca |
Northern Hawk Owl | Surnia ulula |
Short-eared Owl | Asio flammeus |
Rufous Hummingbird | Selasphorus rufus |
Three-toed Woodpecker | Picoides tridactylus |
Alder Flycatcher | Empidonax alnorum |
Say's Phoebe | Sayornis saya |
Tree Swallow | Tachycineta bicolor |
Yellow Wagtail | Motacilla flava |
Buff-bellied Pipit | Anthus rubescens |
Varied Thrush | Ixoreus naevius |
Grey-cheeked Thrush | Catharus minimus |
Swainson's Thrush | Catharus ustulatus |
American Robin | Turdus migratorius |
Bluethroat | Luscinia svecica |
Northern Wheatear | Oenanthe oenanthe |
Arctic Warbler | Phylloscopus borealis |
Black-billed Magpie | Pica hudsonia |
Northwestern Crow | Corvus caurinus |
Common Raven | Corvus corax |
Lapland Longspur | Calcarius lapponicus |
Smith's Longspur | Calcarius pictus |
Snow Bunting | Plectrophenax nivalis |
Fox Sparrow | Passerella iliaca |
Lincoln's Sparrow | Melospiza lincolnii |
Golden-crowned Sparrow | Zonotrichia atricapilla |
Dark-eyed Junco | Junco hyemalis |
Savannah Sparrow | Passerculus sandwichensis |
American Tree Sparrow | Spizella arborea |
Orange-crowned Warbler | Vermivora celata |
Yellow Warbler | Dendroica petechia |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Dendroica virens |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Dendroica coronata |
Northern Waterthrush | Seiurus noveboracensis |
Wilson's Warbler | Wilsonia pusilla |
Arctic Redpoll | Acanthis hornemanni |
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Mealy Redpoll | Acanthis flammea |
Grey-crowned Rosy-Finch | Leucosticte tephrocotis |
Rusty Blackbird | Euphagus carolinus |
The species list above is in systematic order, the taxonomy and nomenclature of which generally follows the Wells World Birds list on Birder's Diary v3.0 (courtesy of Thayer Software:, with adaptations by WildSounds.
The Wells World Birds list is based on a classification created by Mic Wells.
Please note that the above list may not be in the same order or be a full and accurate representation of the species on the title concerned. We take due care to ensure the accuracy of the list, but should you find any errors, please notify us.
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