A Birder's Guide to Churchill (Manitoba)
Bonnie Chartier
Original text with James A Lane. Revised edition: January 1994.
Everything a birder needs to travel to Churchill. Over a dozen birding tour leaders carried the thoroughly revised text and redrawn maps with them during the 1993 tour season to help ABA field-check accurate kilometer distances and to perfect the very detailed birdfinding instructions.
Churchill is situated on the southern shore of vast Hudson Bay at the convergence of coniferous forest, tundra, and marine ecosystems. The resulting birdlife is thrilling! Such sought-after species as Pacific Loon, Rough-legged Hawk, Willow Ptarmigan, Whimbrel, Hudsonian Godwit, Ross's Gull, Arctic Tern, Gray Jay, Harris's Sparrow, and Smith's Longspur can be found with relative ease. Details about where to look for these and other Churchill specialties are the focus of the guide's birdfinding section. In addition, a com-prehensive seasonal occurrence bar-graph section serves as both a checklist and a quick visual reference for the birder. Common, scientific, and French bird names are given; known nesters are marked. A list of seldom-seen species rounds out the birding information.
Additional features include lists of Amphibians and Mammals, Butterflies, Moths and a comprehensive list of Plants of Churchill. Selected local addresses, including telephone numbers, will help visitors arrange their trips and find local services and attractions with ease. References for further reading or study are listed. The bird species and locations are fully indexed; an innovative Abbreviated Table of Contents keys index entries to birdfinding and other chapters, saving birders much page-flipping when they're looking for the location of a particular species. 132 pages.
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