A Birder's Guide to Southeast Arizona
Richard Cachor Taylor
Revised 2005. Rick Taylor, a resident of Southeastern Arizona has completely revised this edition of the first guide in the Lane series. The revised guide includes:
From reviews of A Birder's Guide to Southeastern Arizona
"If you're planning a trip to south-eastern Arizona, you may as well forget your binoculars as leave this guide at home."
- Bird Watcher's Digest
"If I absolutely had to choose [between the two AZ guides], Richard Taylor's A Birder's Guide to Southeastern Arizona would have pride of place in my luggage."
- Brian E. Cassie, The Wilson Bulletin
"Obviously, the book's main aim is to detail access to the excellent birding sites, and this it does magnificently... If you are planning a visit to this excellent birding area, this book is an essential purchase; if you are not planning a trip, buy it anyway it may change your mind."
- Dave Holman, Birding World (UK)
342 pages.
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