Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
A Birder's Guide to Arkansas

A Birder's Guide to Arkansas

Mel White

1995. The thrill of exploration and the joy of discovery are at the very core of why we bird - and when we're dutifully following the binocular crowd, no matter how great the birds are, we're missing something. Like Arkansas. Mississippi Kite, Greater Roadrunner, Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Bell's Vireo, Swainson's Warbler, Painted Bunting, Bachman's, Rufous-crowned, and Harris's Sparrows, and Lapland Longspur are all found in Arkansas. Each season, particularly spring migration, brings a new suite of interesting birds.

The federal government has been busy in Arkansas: many sites in Ozark, Ouachita, and St. Francis National Forests offer excellent birding; Wapanocca, Overflow, Holla Bend, Big Lake, White River, and Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuges are all treated in the guide. The Corps of Engineers reservoirs are numerous. But the state wound up with some of the best birding sites: Lake Chicot, Devil's Den, Pinnacle Mountain, Village Creek, Bull Shoals, Mount Nebo, Cossatot River, and many other state parks. Numerous other recreation areas, natural areas, parks, and local sites are examined for their good birding in all seasons - 59 sites in all. The guide divides the state into geographical regions to make travel planning easy.

Birding route instructions follow the standard format, with mileages between suggested stops and species likely to be encountered at those places listed. Each section gives an address where you can write for maps or further information. The book's maps detail almost every site, with many insets that will help you to find your way.

Seasonal occurrence/relative abundance bar-graphs and the Specialities section help birders figure out when and where to look for each regularly occurring species. Site names and birds are fully indexed. The guide is illustrated with a number of original bird drawings, three colour cover-photos, and a number of black-and-white photos of the places you'll be visiting and a few of the birds you'll see there. 260 pages.

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