Ringed Plover by Julian Bhalerao
Isles of Scilly

Isles of Scilly

Rosemary Parslow


Examines the many aspects that make the islands and their flora and fauna so unique. Also tells the story of the rise in popularity of the islands for birdwatchers.

About 30 miles south-west of Land's end is the low group of rocks and islands that form the Isles of Scilly. Mysterious, romantic and beautiful, they have long exercised the imagination of story tellers and historians.

Rosemary Parslow has spent many years working on the islands, each of which has its own unique character and special plants and animals. In this New Naturalist volume she examines the many aspects that make the islands and their flora and fauna so unique: their geography, geology and climate, the people of the islands, the way they used the land and the present day management. She brings to life the major kinds of habitats found in Scilly: the heathlands, the coast, cultivated fields and wetlands. 336 pages.

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(LxWxD) 22.2 x 15.4 x 3.8 cm Hardback £99.00 £49.00

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