Atlantic Gannet
Collins Complete Guide to British Birds: A Photographic Guide to Every Common Species

Collins Complete Guide to British Birds: A Photographic Guide to Every Common Species

Paul Sterry

Makes bird identification easier than ever before.

An easy-to-use photoguide to every regular species of British bird. Juvenile, adult, male and female are all illustrated. Every text entry covers ID of adults and juveniles, songs and calls, and where they are most likely to be found.

Illustrated with specially commissioned photography and maps to show where in Britain the birds are found and at what time of year, this accessible guide also features cross-references to similar-looking species, containing everything a birdwatcher needs to know in one, easy-to-use, portable volume. It is the perfect photographic field guide for the birdwatching beginner. 288 pages.

Plates, Distribution Maps and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.Plates, Distribution Maps and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.Plates, Distribution Maps and Long Descriptions shown on same spread.
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(LxWxD) 21 x 13.6 x 1.8 cm Softback £16.99 £13.99

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