R J Berry
Islands have incited passion throughout the ages. These 'watery lands' symbolise the eternal contrast between land and water, suggesting mystery and adventure, romanticism and beauty. For centuries, they have stimulated the imaginations of writers, artists, historians and naturalists alike.
The genetic isolation of islands often leads to the development of unique elements in the flora, fauna and wildlife. In his fourth New Naturalist volume, Professor R. J. Berry takes a broad look at the islands that lie off the shore of Britain and Ireland, exploring their biology, geography, geology and climate, and examining changes that have occurred in the past and how these become relevant for future developments.
Laced throughout with Professor Berry's expertise and enthusiasm, this all-encompassing, engrossing volume is a lyrical journey of the islands that shape our imagination and our awareness. Berry presents a wealth of scientific information which will be read and enjoyed by expert and amateur alike. 400 pages.
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