Frontiers in Birding
Martin Garner & friends
Here's a book to inspire any birdwatcher. It covers many subjects at the cutting edge of what is being discovered about birds, written by Martin Garner and a team of British birdwatchers who enthuse us about their own efforts to push forward the boundaries of what we know and implore the rest of us to join in.
The contributions include:
But the meat of the book is Martin Garner's chapters on cutting-edge identification problems. These not only explain what is currently known, they also point out that surely we must be overlooking birds such as female White-winged Scoter, female Green-winged Teal, Pacific Fulmar, Yelkouan Shearwater plus the American races of Moorhen, Eider, Merlin and Hen Harrier. These birds must be out there. Armed with this book, you have a chance of finding them.
This book makes a significant step towards reminding us of what has recently been discovered but more than that it points out that there are many things that are still unknown. The pioneering birders who have contributed to this book have reminded us that there are many frontiers left to explore. 192 pages.
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