Blue Tit by Julian Bhalerao
British Damselflies

British Damselflies

Graham Sherwin

This DVD is the culmination of eight summers filming and many hours editing. The original objective was to create a DVD that would be an aid to the identification of both dragonflies and damselflies.

From the outset of filming Graham was recording aspects of the insects' life cycles and behaviour as well as clips for identification purposes that included immature and over mature individuals.

In consequence, this DVD starts with an Introduction offering tips on how to use it and explaining the natural history of both dragonflies and damselflies with particular reference to their anatomy, predators, life cycle, behaviour and habitats.

The footage of each species is usually divided into four parts:

  • an introduction to the species
  • male identification
  • female identification
  • breeding behaviour.

Habitat views are included along with graphics showing distribution and flight seasons. Similar damselfly species are compared and if you need a longer look at a specific view hit the 'pause' button. In addition, all the species in some family groups (e.g.. Emerald Damselflies) are compared side by side.

The running time for the Introduction is approximately 60 minutes and the running time for the Damselfly Species Films is approximately 90 minutes. ALL 20 of the British species are shown including vagrants - plus a couple of potential visitors.

A companion DVD on dragonfly identification (British Dragonflies)is also available. 90 min.

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DVD £22.99 £14.99 UK & EU (£12.49 Non EU)

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